

Placements API v1 is a RESTful service and follows JSON api specification. Currently, the API covers:

More functionality will be added over time.

Software Development Kit

The Python Software Development Kit (SDK) is an open-source library that provides developers with a toolset to access the API. This library also simplifies authentication, handling of HTTP responses and provides code examples to get you started using the API.

Base Endpoint


Example request to retrieve a list of Accounts:

curl '' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Two authentication mechanisms are supported: Personal Access Token and OAuth2. Either way you will receive an access token (see below for detailed instructions).

To access the Placements API, set the token as a "Bearer Authorization" header in your HTTP request.

Personal Access Token

A user can generate a Personal Access Token to directly access Placements API. Please keep in mind that any operation by this means is treated exactly like the user operated through UI. Please protect your Personal Access Token just like your normal login credentials.

Please talk to your admin first for API access. Once granted access, a user can go to API Access to generate a new token or list / revoke / regenerate existing tokens.



Example request your server sends to exchange auth code into access token:

curl '' \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST -d "{\"client_id\":\"YOUR_APPLICATION_ID\",\"client_secret\":\"YOUR_APPLICATION_SECRET\",\"redirect_uri\":\"YOUR_REDIRECT_URL\",\"grant_type\":\"authorization_code\",\"code\":\"YOUR_AUTH_CODE\"}"

You will get back an access token and a refresh token:


Example request to refresh the tokens:

curl '' \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST -d "{\"client_id\":\"YOUR_APPLICATION_ID\",\"client_secret\":\"YOUR_APPLICATION_SECRET\",\"grant_type\":\"refresh_token\",\"refresh_token\":\"YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN\"}"

If it is a 3rd party application that needs to access Placements API on behalf of a user, OAuth2 is more appropriate. Specifically we support OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant for such 3rd party apps.

First, the 3rd party application developer needs to register the app with Placements. For now it is a manual process, please contact us with the following information:

After successful registration, we will give you back:

Your app will need both pieces of information to obtain an OAuth2 Access Token. The flow for getting an OAuth2 Access Token is as follows:

The server at your redirect URL needs to extract the authorization code, then send a POST request to exchange it into an OAuth2 access token. Note that for security purpose, the authorization code will only be valid for 10 minutes.

The access token will be valid for 2 hours, afterwards you will need to refresh with the lastest refresh token to get a new set of access token and refresh token.

As long as the user does not revoke the authorization, your app will continue to be able to obtain new sets of access token and refresh token in such a manner.

Common API Actions

The API supports a common set of actions for all resources. Below we will be using opportunity resource as an example.


curl '' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
  "data": [
      "id": "8",
      "type": "opportunities",
      "links": {
        "self": ""
      "attributes": {
        "name": "Test RFP ",
        "close-date": "2015-07-31",
      "relationships": {
        "advertiser": {
          "links": {
            "self": "",
            "related": ""
          "data": {
            "type": "accounts",
            "id": "1912"
  "meta": {
    "record-count": 1524,
    "page-count": 153
  "links": {
    "first": "",
    "next": "",
    "last": ""

GET resources will return a list of resources. Notice that each resource will have different attributes and relationships. See corresponding section in Resources for specific details.

List with Pagination

For the 2nd page of results, and each page contains 3 entries (notice that [ and ] are URL encoded for curl):

curl '' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

By default, list returns the first page of results, with each page contains 10 entries. You can derive paging information from the meta and links section. To change how many entries each page contains, use the page[size] parameter (currently the max size allowed is 200). To change which page of results to return, use the page[number] parameter.

List with Select Attributes (aka Sparse Fieldsets)

If you only want "name" and "description" in the results (notice that [ and ] are URL encoded for curl):

curl ',description' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

By default, all attributes are returned. It is possible to return only specific attributes with the fields[TYPE] parameter.

List with Filter Results

To filter opportunities (notice that [, ] and are URL encoded for curl):

# id "100" or "101"
curl ',101' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# modified since 2019-01-20 05:04
curl '' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# name "Test 1"
curl '' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# uid "9835e019f6d316"
curl '' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

It is also possible to filter resources with the filter[] parameter. Currently the following common ones are supported:

Filter Description Param Example
id resources by id filter[id]=100
modified-since resources modified since a given timestamp filter[modified-since]=2019-01-20T05:04Z
name resources by exact name match (only when 'name' is a valid attribute) filter[name]=foo
uid resources by uid (only when 'uid' is a valid attribute) filter[uid]=barbaz

Some resources support additional filters. See corresponding section in Resources for specific details. More filtering capabilities might come later.


curl '' \
     -H 'Authorization:bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
  "data": {
    "id": "1764",
    "type": "opportunities",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "name": "offline recur1ng ",
    "relationships": {
      "advertiser": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""
        "data": {
          "type": "accounts",
          "id": "67793"

GET resources/ID will return one resource.

If you want to include the data of the related "bill-to-account" in the response:

curl '' \
     -H 'Authorization:bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
  "data": {
    "id": "1764",
    "type": "opportunities",
    "attributes": {
    "relationships": {
      "bill-to-account": {
        "data": {
          "type": "accounts",
          "id": "67793"
  "included": [
      "id": "67793",
      "type": "accounts",
      "attributes": {

By default, the relationship data only contains resource type and id. It is also possible to include the data of the related resources in the response, by specifying the include parameter.


curl '' \
     -H 'Authorization:bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'  \
     -H 'Content-Type:application/vnd.api+json' \
     -X POST -d '{"data":{"type":"opportunities", "attributes":{"name":"test opp 1", "close-date": "2018-08-07", "stage-name": "Lead"}, "relationships": {"advertiser": {"data": {"type": "accounts","id": "38"}}} }}'
  "data": {
    "id": "1767",
    "type": "opportunities",
    "attributes": {
    "relationships": {
      "advertiser": {
        "data": {
          "type": "accounts",
          "id": "67793"

POST resources with appropriate payload will create, then return a new resource.


curl '' \
     -H 'Authorization:bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
     -H 'Content-Type:application/vnd.api+json' \
     -X PATCH -d '{"data":{"id": "1767","type":"opportunities", "attributes":{"budget":"1000"} }}'
 "data": {
   "id": "1767",
   "type": "opportunities",
   "attributes": {
   "relationships": {
     "advertiser": {
       "data": {
         "type": "accounts",
         "id": "67793"

PATCH resources/ID with appropriate payload will update, then return the resource.


DELETE resources/ID will delete the resource. Note that we currently do NOT allow deletion yet.



Example account (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "100268",
    "type": "accounts",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "name": "The Home Depot",
      "ad-server-info": [
          "ad-server": "dfp",
          "ad-server-id": 20227938,
          "ad-server-network-code": "88650439"
      "freewheel-industries": [
      "madhive-iab-category-id": "IAB1",
      "octillion-iab-category-id": "IAB1",


Data "type" is "accounts", identified by "id"


Name Type Sample Value Notes
archived Boolean false
name String "account 1" required
description String ""
category String (Enum) "Agriculture", "Apparel", "Banking", "Biotechnology", "Chemicals", "Communications", "Construction", "Consulting", "Education", "Electronics", "Energy", "Engineering", "Entertainment", "Environmental", "Finance", "Food & Beverage", "Government", "Healthcare", "Hospitality", "Insurance", "Machinery", "Manufacturing", "Media", "Not For Profit", "Recreation", "Retail", "Shipping", "Technology", "Telecommunications", "Transportation", "Utilities", "Other"
credit-status String (Enum) "ON_HOLD", "ACTIVE", "CREDIT_STOP", "INACTIVE" or "BLOCKED"
commission Number 0.01
currency-code String "USD"
external-id String ""
street-address1 String ""
street-address2 String ""
city String ""
state String ""
zip String ""
country String ""
time-zone String "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
website String ""
phone String ""
fax String ""
email String ""
salesforce-id String "00781000000DdL2588"
custom-fields Key value pairs (see Custom Fields (Attributes) section)
ad-server-info Array(Object) (see example) read-only
netsuite-id String ""
payment-terms String "Net 30"
created-at DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z" read-only
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"
freewheel-industries Array(String) (see example)
uid String "e0864c2afd9ce9"
madhive-iab-category-id String (see example)
octillion-iab-category-id String (see example)
yahoo_dsp_iab_category_id String "4"
yahoo_dsp_iab_secondary_category_id String "402"


Name Type Notes
advertiser-of-record Account (only applicable to Brand)
agency-of-record Account (only applicable to Advertiser)
contacts Array(Contact)
rate-card Rate Card

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
account-type by account type filter[account-type]=AGENCY
external-id by external id filter[external-id]=101
salesforce-id by salesforce id filter[salesforce-id]=ABCD
archived by archived filter[archived]=false
advertiser-of-record by the id of the advertiser of record filter[advertiser-of-record]=101
agency-of-record by the id of the advertiser of record filter[agency-of-record]=101
ad-server-network-code by ad server network code filter[ad-server-network-code]=321
ad-server-id by ad server id filter[ad-server-id]=999


Example campaign (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "41",
    "type": "campaigns",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Test Campaign 1",
      "trafficker-info": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "sales-planner-info": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "primary-salesperson-info": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "split-percent": 80
      "secondary-salespeople-info": [
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "split-percent": 20
      "ad-server-info": [
          "ad-server": "dfp",
          "ad-server-id": 20227938,
          "ad-server-network-code": "88650439"
    "relationships": {
      "advertiser": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""
        "data": {
          "type": "accounts",
          "id": "3549"


Data "type" is "campaigns", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
archived Boolean false
name String "campaign 1" required
description String ""
start-date DateTime "2018-08-23T00:00:00.000Z" required
end-date DateTime "2018-08-24T00:00:00.000Z" required
time-zone String "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
currency-code String "USD" required
budget Number 100.00
po-number String ""
probability Number 75
campaign-agency-commission Number 5
approval-status String (Enum) "draft", "pending_review", "reviewed", or "partially_reviewed" read-only
delivery-status String "live" read-only
custom-fields Key value pairs (see Custom Fields (Attributes) section)
trafficker-info Object (see example)
sales-planner-info Object (see example)
primary-salesperson-info Object (see example)
secondary-salespeople-info Array(Object) (see example)
ad-server-info Array(Object) (see example) read-only
billing-source String (Enum) "contracted", "first_party_actuals", or "third_party_actuals"
billing-schedule String (Enum) "prepaid", "straightline"
billing-cap String (Enum) "no_cap", "cap_contracted" or "cap_per_billing_cycle"
billing-period String (Enum) "monthly", "broadcast"
external-id String ""
campaign-number Number 42 read-only
payment-terms String "Net 30"
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"
uid String "e0864c2afd9ce9"


Name Type Notes
advertiser Account required
agency Account
agency-holding-company Account
brand Account
partner Account
bill-to-account Account
opportunity Opportunity
owner User
rate-card Rate Card
line-items Array(Line Item)
groups Array(Group)

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
ad-server-network-code by ad server network code filter[ad-server-network-code]=321
ad-server-id by ad server id filter[ad-server-id]=999
archived by archived filter[archived]=false
campaign-number by campaign number filter[campaign-number]=101
external-id by external id filter[external-id]=101


Example contact (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "1337",
    "type": "contacts",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "first-name": "Jon",
      "last-name": "Snow",
      "email": "[email protected]",
    "relationships": {
      "account": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""
        "data": {
          "type": "accounts",
          "id": "80085"


Data "type" is "contacts", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
comments String ""
email String "[email protected]"
external-id String ""
first-name String "Jon" required
last-name String "Snow" required
phone String "555.555.5555"
title String ""
street String ""
street2 String ""
city String "Seattle"
state String "WA"
zip String "98104"
country String "USA"
custom-fields Key value pairs (see Custom Fields (Attributes) section)
last-modified DateTime "2018-04-20T16:20:12.345Z"
salesforce-id String ""
uid String "e0864c2afd9ce9"


Name Type Notes
account Account required

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
external-id by external id filter[external-id]=101
salesforce-id by salesforce id filter[salesforce-id]=ABCD

Creatives (BETA)

Example creative (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "7",
    "type": "creatives",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "last-modified": "2024-05-09T01:08:09.462Z",
      "ad-server-network-code": "12345678",
      "name": "test apn creative c3",
      "ad-server": "app_nexus",
      "ad-server-id": "998855",
      "creative-type": "standard",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "width": null,
      "height": null,
      "click-target": null,
      "media-url": null,
      "preview-url": null
    "relationships": {
      "account": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""
        "data": {
          "type": "accounts",
          "id": "2"


Data "type" is "creatives", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
name String "creative 1" required
ad-server String "app_nexus" required
ad-server-id String
creative-type String "standard", "video" required
status String "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE" required
width Number 100
height Number 100
click-target String
media-url String
preview-url String read-only
audit-status String read-only
ad-server-network-code String "12345678"
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"


Name Type Notes
account Account required

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
ad-server-network-code by ad server network code filter[ad-server-network-code]=321
ad-server-id by ad server id filter[ad-server-id]=999

Custom Fields

Example custom fields (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "999",
    "type": "custom-fields",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "last-modified": "2023-05-14T22:31:43.243Z",
      "active": false,
      "name": "XXXXXXX",
      "default-values": null,
      "entity": "Account",
      "field-type": "TEXT",
      "required": false,
      "values": null


Data "type" is "custom-fields", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
name String "custom field 1" required
entity String (Enum) "Account", "Bundle", "Campaign", "Contact", "Invoice", "LineItem", "Rfp", "BudgetLineItem", "PioProductTemplate", "PioProductPackage" required
field-type String (Enum) "TEXT", "NUMBER", "DROPDOWN", "MULTI_SELECT" required
required Boolean false
separator String "," For entity "MULTI_SELECT"
values Key value pairs {"1" => "value 1", "2" => "value 2"} The key is value id and the value is value label. For entity "DROPDOWN" or "MULTI_SELECT"
default-values Array (String) ["1"] Array of id in values. For entity "DROPDOWN" or "MULTI_SELECT"
archived-values Array (String) ["3"] Array of id in values. For entity "DROPDOWN" or "MULTI_SELECT"

External Users (BETA)

Example external user (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "8",
    "type": "external-users",
    "attributes": {
      "last-modified": "2023-09-23T01:46:52.824Z",
      "ad-server-info": [
          "ad-server": "dfp",
          "ad-server-id": 123990000,
          "ad-server-network-code": "88650439"
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "first-name": "Cecile",
      "last-name": "Auer",
      "uid": "425351c6cd85df"
    "relationships": {
      "user": {
        "data": {
          "type": "users",
          "id": "47"


Data "type" is "external-users", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
email String "" required
first-name String ""
last-name String ""
salesforce-id String ""
uid String "e0864c2afd9ce9"
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
email by email filter[email][email protected]
ad-server-network-code by ad server network code filter[ad-server-network-code]=321
ad-server-id by ad server id filter[ad-server-id]=999


Known colloquially as the Bundle entity (as mentioned in Custom Fields doc above)

Example group:

  "data": {
    "id": "338",
    "type": "groups",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "last-modified": "2023-08-30T23:14:59.115Z",
      "ad-server-network-code": "88650439",
      "custom-fields": null,
      "active": true,
      "archived": null,
      "ad-server": null,
      "ad-server-id": null,
      "bill-by-bundle": null,
      "billable": null,
      "billing-cap": null,
      "billing-schedule": null,
      "billing-source": null,
      "budget": "55552.50",
      "contracted-units": 12345,
      "cost-basis": "CPC",
      "cost-per-unit": "4.50",
      "currency-code": "USD",
      "description": null,
      "end-date": "2022-09-09T06:59:59.999Z",
      "name": "renamed label, does it still show the product name here? (2)",
      "pricing-budget-type": "PRICING_BUDGET_TYPE_REVENUE",
      "start-date": "2022-08-31T07:00:00.000Z",
      "time-zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
    "relationships": {
      "campaign": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""
        "data": {
          "type": "campaigns",
          "id": "4994"
      "line-items": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""


Data "type" is "groups", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
archived Boolean false
name String "le grp 1" required
description String ""
ad-server String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", or "offline"
ad-server-id String ""
ad-server-network-code String "88650439"
start-date DateTime "2018-08-23T00:00:00.000Z"
end-date DateTime "2018-08-24T00:00:00.000Z"
time-zone String "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
currency-code String "USD"
budget Number 100.00
cost-basis String (Enum) "CPA", "CPC", "CPD", "CPE", "CPM", "CPU", "CPVM", "dCPC", "dCPM" or "FIXED"
cost-per-unit Number 0.02
contracted-units Number 100
billing-source String (Enum) "contracted", "first_party_actuals", or "third_party_actuals"
billing-schedule String (Enum) "prepaid", "straightline"
billing-cap String (Enum) "no_cap", "cap_contracted" or "cap_per_billing_cycle"
custom-fields Key value pairs (see Custom Fields (Attributes) section)
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"
pricing-budget-type String (Enum) "PRICING_BUDGET_TYPE_REVENUE", or "PRICING_BUDGET_TYPE_IMPRESSIONS" Defaults to "Pricing_BUDGET_TYPE_REVENUE". To represent a budget-type of "None", just keep it as revenue (default pricing-budget-type) with a group-budget of zero. When talking about impressions-based pricing, please set the group's contracted-units value accordingly.


Name Type Notes
campaign Campaign required on create
line-items Array(Line Item)

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
ad-server-network-code by ad server network code filter[ad-server-network-code]=321
ad-server-id by ad server id filter[ad-server-id]=999
campaign by the id of the parent campaign filter[campaign]=101


For Example:

We provide an advanced feature to mimic one of our powerful UI capabilities: adding a package as a group into a campaign. To achieve this, you may add a query parameter from_package_id=YOUR_PACKAGE_ID when creating or updating a group resource.

When this parameter is detected, after creating or updating the group with normal attributes, we will auto-create lines inside this group based on the specified package configuration. If the package has budget allocation enabled, then each line will have a booked value and units according to the allocation. Otherwise, the lines will only contain cost but no units.

If you want to add multiple packages into a campaign, just execute the above operation multiple times.

Line Items

Example line item (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "106",
    "type": "line-items",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Line item 1",
    "relationships": {
      "campaign": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""
        "data": {
          "type": "campaigns",
          "id": "41"

// With delivery-stats
  "data": {
    "id": "106",
    "attributes": {
      "delivery-stats": {
        "first-party": {
          "clicks": 724,
          "impressions": 94162670,
          "viewable-impressions": 81683683
        "third-party": {
          "advertiser": "ACME Industries",
          "server": "ImpSlinger",
          "clicks": 956,
          "impressions": 95318149,
          "viewable-impressions": 79151545
    "relationships": {


Data "type" is "line-items", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
archived Boolean false
name String "line item 1" required
description String ""
ad-server String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", or "offline" required
ad-server-id String ""
ad-server-network-code String "88650439" Required if the targeted ad-server has multiple networks
approval-status String (Enum) "draft", "pending_review", "approved", or "rejected" read-only
revision-status String (Enum) null, "draft", "pending_review", or "rejected" read-only
delivery-status String "DELIVERING" read-only
start-date DateTime "2018-08-23T00:00:00.000Z" required
end-date DateTime "2018-08-24T00:00:00.000Z" required
time-zone String "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
currency-code String "USD" required
cost-basis String (Enum) "CPA", "CPC", "CPD", "CPE", "CPM", "CPU", "CPVM", "dCPC", "dCPM" or "FIXED" required
cost-of-goods-sold Array (Cost Of Goods Sold) (see Cost Of Goods Sold) read-only
cost-per-unit Number 0.02 required
contracted-units Number 100
copied-from-id Number 1 read-only
units Number 100
priority Number 14
item-type String "STANDARD" required
goal Number 70
environment-type String (Enum) "BROWSER", "NATIVE", or "VIDEO_PLAYER"
video-max-duration Number 10
roadblocking-type String (Enum) "ALL_ROADBLOCK", "CREATIVE_SET", "AS_MANY_AS_POSSIBLE", "EXACT", "NONE", "NORMAL", "ONE_OR_MORE", "ONLY_ONE" or "PARTIAL" AKA GAM Display Creatives
companion-delivery-option String (Enum) "OPTIONAL", "AT_LEAST_ONE", "ALL" GAM Display Companions
external-id String ""
total-booked Number 20
billing-source String (Enum) "contracted", "first_party_actuals", or "third_party_actuals"
billing-schedule String (Enum) "prepaid", "straightline"
billing-cap String (Enum) "no_cap", "cap_contracted" or "cap_per_billing_cycle"
ad-locations Array (String) ["preroll", "midroll", "postroll"] consist of String (Enum)
custom-fields Key value pairs (see Custom Fields (Attributes) section)
delivery-stats Object (see example) (see below)
line-item-number Number 42 read-only
profit-margin Number 70 read-only
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"
uid String "e0864c2afd9ce9"
creative-sizes Array(Creative Sizes) (see Creative Sizes section)
frequency-caps Object (Frequency Caps) (see Frequency Caps section)
geo-targeting Object (Geo Targeting) (see Geo Targeting section)
inventory-targeting Object (Inventory Targeting) (see Inventory Targeting section)
content-targeting Object (Content Targeting) (see Content Targeting section)
device-category-targeting Object (Device Category Targeting) (see Device Category Targeting section)
day-part-targeting Object (Day Part Targeting) (see Day Part Targeting section)
segment-targeting Object (Segment Targeting) (see Segment Targeting section)
custom-targeting Object (Custom Targeting) (see Custom Targeting section)
split-targeting Object (Split Targeting) (see Split Targeting section)
wda-budget Number 50.0 read-only
ad-slot-position-targeting Object (Ad Slot Position Targeting) (see Ad Slot Position Targeting section)
player-targeting Object (Player Targeting) (see Player Targeting section)
min_minutes_per_imp Integer AKA Xandr Recency Caps: The minimum number of minutes between impressions per person. This field may not be set to 0. See
roadblocking_slot_type String The Xandr roadblock slot-type ie. "INTRO_BUMPER", "OUTRO_BUMPER", "AD_POD_FIRST", "AD_POD_LAST". Also see
deal-name String "My example deal name" Applicable to Xandr NGDLI/PGDLI use-case.
deal-id Integer 123 Optional, applicable to Xandr NGDLI/PGDLI use-case.
deal-buyer-id Integer 123 Optional, applicable to Xandr NGDLI/PGDLI use-case.
enable-pacing Boolean true Xandr specific.
lifetime-budget Number 1337.00
lifetime-budget-impressions Integer 1234
lifetime-pacing Boolean true Xandr specific.
lifetime-pacing-percentage Number 100 Xandr specific; when omitted will default to the network's default pacing percent setting.
budget-set-per-flight Boolean false Xandr specific.
daily-budget Number 42.35
daily-budget-impressions Integer 1234
is-active Boolean true


Name Type Notes
campaign Campaign required on create, read-only on update
group Group optional
product Product read-only on update
package Package read-only

To create a line item from a Product, you can pass in "relationships": { "product": { "data": { "type": "products", "id": "xxx" } } } along with specific line item attributes. The newly created line item will get attribute values from the product first, then apply overwrites from the passed-in line item attributes.

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
ad-server-network-code by ad server network code filter[ad-server-network-code]=321
archived by archived filter[archived]=false
approval-status by approval status filter[approval-status]=approved
delivery-status by ad server delivering status filter[delivery-status]=DELIVERING
started-before start-date earlier than a given timestamp filter[started-before]=2019-01-20
started-after start-date later than a given timestamp filter[started-after]=2019-01-20
ended-before end-date earlier than a given timestamp filter[ended-before]=2019-01-20
ended-after end-date later than a given timestamp filter[ended-after]=2019-01-20
ad-server-id by ad server id filter[ad-server-id]=20227938
campaign by the id of the parent campaign filter[campaign]=101
group by the id of the parent group filter[group]=42
external-id by external id filter[external-id]=101

Line Item Creative Associations (BETA)

Example Line Item Creative Association (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "10",
    "type": "line-item-creative-associations",
    "attributes": {
      "last-modified": "2024-05-09T01:41:10.756Z",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "creative-ad-server-id": "998855"
    "relationships": {
      "line-item": {
        "data": {
          "type": "line-items",
          "id": "1180"


Data "type" is "line-item-creative-associations", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
status String "ACTIVE" or "INACTIVE"
creative-ad-server-id String
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"


Name Type Notes
line-item Line Item required


Example opportunity (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "52",
    "type": "opportunities",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Amazon Fresh Campaign - Fall 2015",
      "trafficker-info": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "sales-planner-info": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "primary-salesperson-info": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "split-percent": 80
      "secondary-salespeople-info": [
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "split-percent": 20
      "ad-server-info": [
          "ad-server": "dfp",
          "ad-server-id": 20227938,
          "ad-server-network-code": "88650439"
    "relationships": {
      "advertiser": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""
        "data": {
          "type": "accounts",
          "id": "3549"


Data "type" is "opportunities", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
archived Boolean false
name String "opportunity 1" required
description String ""
stage-name String "Closed Won" required
close-date Date "2018-08-07" required
proposal-due-date Date "2018-08-09"
start-date DateTime "2021-03-22T00:00:00.000Z"
end-date DateTime "2021-03-22T23:59:59.000Z"
probability Number 5
requirements String ""
time-zone String "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
currency-code String "USD" required
budget Number 100.00
is-programmatic Boolean false
custom-fields Key value pairs (see Custom Fields (Attributes) section)
trafficker-info Object (see example)
sales-planner-info Object (see example)
primary-salesperson-info Object (see example)
secondary-salespeople-info Array(Object) (see example)
ad-server-info Array(Object) (see example) read-only
opportunity-order-number Number 42 read-only
salesforce-id String "0064P00000v3PpcQAE"
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"
uid String "e0864c2afd9ce9"


Name Type Notes
advertiser Account required
agency Account
partner Account
bill-to-account Account
owner User
rate-card Rate Card
opportunity-line-items Array(Opportunity Line Item)

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
archived by archived filter[archived]=false
opportunity-order-number by opportunity order number filter[opportunity-order-number]=101
salesforce-id by salesforce id filter[salesforce-id]=ABCD

Opportunity Line Items

Example opportunity line item (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "67",
    "type": "opportunity-line-items",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Opportunity Line item 1",
    "relationships": {
      "opportunity": {
        "links": {
          "self": "",
          "related": ""
        "data": {
          "type": "opportunities",
          "id": "11"


Data "type" is "opportunity-line-items", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
archived Boolean false
name String "line item 1" required
description String ""
ad-server String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", or "offline" required
ad-server-network-code Number 88650439
start-date DateTime "2018-08-23T00:00:00.000Z" required
end-date DateTime "2018-08-24T00:00:00.000Z" required
time-zone String "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
currency-code String "USD" required
cost-basis String (Enum) "CPA", "CPC", "CPD", "CPE", "CPM", "CPU", "CPVM", "dCPC", "dCPM" or "FIXED" required
cost-per-unit Number 0.02
units Number 100
item-type String "STANDARD" required
goal Number 70
environment-type String (Enum) "BROWSER", "NATIVE", or "VIDEO_PLAYER"
video-max-duration Number 10
roadblocking-type String (Enum) "ALL_ROADBLOCK", "CREATIVE_SET", "AS_MANY_AS_POSSIBLE", "EXACT", "NONE", "NORMAL", "ONE_OR_MORE", "ONLY_ONE" or "PARTIAL" AKA GAM Display Creatives
companion-delivery-option String (Enum) "OPTIONAL", "AT_LEAST_ONE", "ALL" GAM Display Companions
custom-fields Key value pairs (see Custom Fields (Attributes) section)
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"
salesforce-id String ""
uid String "e0864c2afd9ce9"
frequency-caps Object (Frequency Caps) (see Frequency Caps section)
geo-targeting Object (Geo Targeting) (see Geo Targeting section)
inventory-targeting Object (Inventory Targeting) (see Inventory Targeting section)
content-targeting Object (Content Targeting) (see Content Targeting section)
device-category-targeting Object (Device Category Targeting) (see Device Category Targeting section)
day-part-targeting Object (Day Part Targeting) (see Day Part Targeting section)
segment-targeting Object (Segment Targeting) (see Segment Targeting section)
custom-targeting Object (Custom Targeting) (see Custom Targeting section)
secondary-ad-server-data Array (Secondary Ad Server Data) (see Secondary Ad Server Data section)


Name Type Notes
opportunity Opportunity required

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
ad-server-network-code by ad server network code filter[ad-server-network-code]=321
archived by archived filter[archived]=false
started-before start-date earlier than a given timestamp filter[started-before]=2019-01-20
started-after start-date later than a given timestamp filter[started-after]=2019-01-20
ended-before end-date earlier than a given timestamp filter[ended-before]=2019-01-20
ended-after end-date later than a given timestamp filter[ended-after]=2019-01-20
opportunity by the id of the parent opportunity filter[opportunity]=101
salesforce-id by salesforce id filter[salesforce-id]=ABCD


Example package (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "2",
    "type": "packages",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "name": "test package",
      "currency-code": "USD",
      "active": true,
      "archived": false,
      "price": 0,
      "pricing-mode": "PRICING_MODE_PERCENTAGE_BASED",
      "lock-percent-allocation": true,
      "pricing-floor": null,
      "pricing-ceiling": null,
      "billable": true,
      "billing-source": "first_party_actuals",
      "billing-schedule": "straightline",
      "billing-cap": "no_cap",
      "pricing-budget-type": "PRICING_BUDGET_TYPE_IMPRESSIONS",
      "pricing-units": 1234567,
      "cost-per-unit": 0,
      "cost-basis": "CPM",
      "units": null


Data "type" is "packages", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
active Boolean true
archived Boolean false
name String "line item 1" required
description String ""
custom-fields Key value pairs (see Custom Fields (Attributes) section)
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"
currency-code String "USD" required
price Number 0 Typically translates to the Group "Budget" via product-wizard when we're talking about revenue-based pricing.
pricing-mode String (Enum) "PRICING_MODE_DISABLED", or "PRICING_MODE_PERCENTAGE_BASED" PRICING_MODE_DISABLED (package-allocations disabled, default value), or PRICING_MODE_PERCENTAGE_BASED (AKA package-allocations enabled)
lock-percent-allocation Boolean false
pricing-floor Number
pricing-ceiling Number
billable Boolean false
billing-source String (Enum) "contracted", "first_party_actuals", or "third_party_actuals" when left as blank, the resulting Group will default to the Campaign value at product-wizard submit-time
billing-schedule String (Enum) "prepaid", "straightline" when left as blank, the resulting Group will default to the Campaign value at product-wizard submit-time
billing-cap String (Enum) "no_cap", "cap_contracted" or "cap_per_billing_cycle" when left as blank, the resulting Group will default to the Campaign value at product-wizard submit-time
pricing-budget-type String (Enum) "PRICING_BUDGET_TYPE_REVENUE", or "PRICING_BUDGET_TYPE_IMPRESSIONS" Defaults to "Pricing_BUDGET_TYPE_REVENUE". To represent a budget-type of "None", just keep it as revenue (default pricing-budget-type) with a price of zero.
pricing-units Number 1234567 Applies when "PRICING_BUDGET_TYPE_IMPRESSIONS", overriding where units would of been referenced.
cost-per-unit Number 3.21 Conditionally required (ie. billable, contracted, with revenue based pricing)
cost-basis String (Enum) "CPM", "CPC", "CPD", or "FIXED" Required where billable. Typically you'll want to constrain the child products to abide by the parent package's cost-basis as declared here.
units Number 123 Conditionally required (ie. billable, contracted, with pricing-disabled)


Name Type Notes
owner User
products Array(Product)

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
active by active filter[active]=true
archived by archived filter[archived]=false


Example product (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "2",
    "type": "products",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "name": "test product",


Data "type" is "products", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
active Boolean true Deprecated - use 'status' instead
status String (Enum) "active", "inactive", "inprogress" New added
archived Boolean false
name String "line item 1" required
description String ""
ad-server String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", or "offline" required
ad-server-network-code Number 88650439
currency-code String "USD" required
cost-basis String (Enum) "CPA", "CPC", "CPD", "CPE", "CPM", "CPU", "CPVM", "dCPC", "dCPM" or "FIXED" required
cost-of-goods-sold Array (Cost Of Goods Sold) (see Cost Of Goods Sold) read-only
cost-per-unit Number 0.02
priority Number 14
item-type String "STANDARD" required
goal Number 70
environment-type String (Enum) "BROWSER", "NATIVE", or "VIDEO_PLAYER"
video-max-duration Number 10
roadblocking-type String (Enum) "ALL_ROADBLOCK", "CREATIVE_SET", "AS_MANY_AS_POSSIBLE", "EXACT", "NONE", "NORMAL", "ONE_OR_MORE", "ONLY_ONE" or "PARTIAL" Display Creatives
companion-delivery-option String (Enum) "OPTIONAL", "AT_LEAST_ONE", "ALL" GAM Display Companions
default-content-targeting-id String "2bb0a402-55ec-4eed-9121-80588f32406d"
custom-fields Key value pairs (see Custom Fields (Attributes) section)
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"
creative-sizes Array(Creative Sizes) (see Creative Sizes section)
frequency-caps Object (Frequency Caps) (see Frequency Caps section)
geo-targeting Object (Geo Targeting) (see Geo Targeting section)
inventory-targeting Object (Inventory Targeting) (see Inventory Targeting section)
content-targeting Object (Content Targeting) (see Content Targeting section)
device-category-targeting Object (Device Category Targeting) (see Device Category Targeting section)
day-part-targeting Object (Day Part Targeting) (see Day Part Targeting section)
segment-targeting Object (Segment Targeting) (see Segment Targeting section)
custom-targeting Object (Custom Targeting) (see Custom Targeting section)
sales-limit Number 21 sales-limit and sales-limit-interval should always be set together. To disable sales limits on the product, set sales-limit-interval as blank value.
sales-limit-interval String (Enum) "DAY", "MON_WEEK", "MONTH", "QUARTER" or "YEAR" sales-limit and sales-limit-interval should always be set together. To disable sales limits on the product, set sales-limit-interval as blank value.
commissions-enabled Boolean false AKA Sales Commissions (On/Off)
categories String
wda-budget Number 50.0 read-only
ad-slot-position-targeting Object (Ad Slot Position Targeting) (see Ad Slot Position Targeting section)
player-targeting Object (Player Targeting) (see Player Targeting section)
min_minutes_per_imp Integer AKA Xandr Recency Caps: The minimum number of minutes between impressions per person. This field may not be set to 0. See
roadblocking_slot_type String The Xandr roadblock slot-type ie. "INTRO_BUMPER", "OUTRO_BUMPER", "AD_POD_FIRST", "AD_POD_LAST". Also see


Name Type Notes
owner User

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
ad-server by ad server filter[ad-server]=offline
ad-server-network-code by ad server network code filter[ad-server-network-code]=321
active by active filter[active]=true
archived by archived filter[archived]=false

Product Rates

Example product rate (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "2",
    "type": "product-rates",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "cost-per-unit": "1.00",
    "relationships": {
      "product": {
        "data": {
          "type": "products",
          "id": "1"
      "rate-card": {
        "data": {
          "type": "rate-cards",
          "id": "1"


Data "type" is "product-rates", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
cost-per-unit Number 0.02
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"


Name Type Notes
rate-card Rate Card Required
product Product Required

Rate Cards

Example rate card (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "1",
    "type": "rate-cards",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "last-modified": "2020-01-08T22:41:04.403Z",
      "active": true,
      "name": "Minnesota bees - b960",
      "description": "Cumque esse sed aut id.",
      "global-discount-percent": 22.02,
      "global-discount-apply-to-targeting": true
    "relationships": {
      "product-rates": {


Data "type" is "rate-cards", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
active Boolean true
name String "rate card 1"
description String "something"
global-discount-percent Number 5
global-discount-apply-to-targeting Boolean true
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"


Name Type Notes
product-rates Array(Product Rate)

Reports (BETA)

To run a report, first POST create with its definition:

  "data": {
    "type": "reports",
    "attributes": {
      "definition": {
        "start-date": "2020-08-10",
        "end-date": "2020-08-20",
        "columns": ["first_party_impressions"]

Then when you query, you can get its status. As an example (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "4",
    "type": "reports",
    "attributes": {
      "last-modified": "2020-09-18T21:48:00.760Z",
      "definition": {
      "status": "completed",
      "error-message": null,
      "download-url": "https://..."


Data "type" is "reports", identified by "id".

A report allows you to query daily delivery data on the line item level. To run a report, follow the steps below:

  1. "Create" a report by POST request, using your desired definition.
  2. the response you get back contains the report id.
  3. poll the report by "Get" request with the report id, until its status is "completed".
  4. now you can get the report csv with its "download-url". Note: the url is valid for 10 minutes, after that you have to "Get" again for a new download url.


Name Type Sample Value Notes
definition Object (see Report Definition section) required
status String (enum) "pending", "in_progress", "completed", "failed" read-only
error-message String "something" read-only
download-url String "https://..." read-only
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"


Example user (abbreviated for clarity):

  "data": {
    "id": "2",
    "type": "users",
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "attributes": {
      "active": true,


Data "type" is "users", identified by "id".


Name Type Sample Value Notes
active Boolean true
city String ""
country String ""
currency-code String "USD"
department String ""
email String "" required
fax String ""
first-name String ""
last-name String ""
mobile String ""
phone String ""
state String ""
street String ""
time-zone String "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
title String ""
zip String ""
last-modified DateTime "2018-08-22T22:54:09.023Z"
uid String "e0864c2afd9ce9"

Additional Filters

Filter Description Param Example
email by email filter[email][email protected]

Custom Fields (Attributes)

Assuming that for a resource, four custom fields are setup: "cf1" of type "Text", "cf2" of type "Number", "cf3" of type "Dropdown", and "cf4" of type "Multi-Select". Below is an example of "custom-fields" value:

"custom-fields": {
   "cf1": "abcd",
   "cf2": "100",
   "cf3": "value",
   "cf4": ["value1", "value2"]

For some resources, org admin can setup custom fields to hold arbitrary attributes. A custom field can be of type "Text", "Number", "Dropdown", "Multi-Select" (with a pre-defined list of valid values). Please contact your org admin on how to set it up.

For example, to preserve existing custom field values:

Note that when updating, all custom fields' values will be overwritten by default. If you want to retain any existing custom field values, please include them in the update payload. Alternatively, you can add a query parameter skip_missing_custom_fields=true to preserve those custom fields values you omitted in the payload.

For example, to use an alternative format (custom field id as key):
"custom-fields": {
   "2": "abcd",
   "5": "100",
   "6": "value",
   "90": ["value1", "value2"]

By default, the keys of the custom-fields value structure will be the name of the custom fields. But you can add a query parameter custom_fields_use_id=true to switch to an alternative format that uses the id of the custom fields.

Creative Sizes

Example creative sizes:

"creative-sizes": [
    "name": "622x690"
    "name": "1300x900v",
    "companions": [
        "name": "100x200v"
Name Type Sample Value Notes
name String "100x200" required
companions Array(Creative Sizes)

Frequency Caps

Frequency Caps Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", "freewheel", "madhive", "octillion" required
data format dependent (see Frequency Caps Formats section) required

Frequency Caps Formats


Example app_nexus formatted frequency caps:

  "frequency-caps": {
    "format": "app_nexus",
    "data": {
      "max-hour-imps": 5,
      "max-day-imps": 7


Name Type Notes
max-session-imps Integer [0, 255]
max-page-imps Integer
max-hour-imps Integer [0, 255]
max-day-imps Integer [0, 255]
max-week-imps Integer [0, 255]
max-month-imps Integer [0, 255]
max-lifetime-imps Integer [0, 255]


Example dfp formatted frequency caps:

  "frequency-caps": {
    "format": "dfp",
    "data": [
        "max-impressions": 5,
        "num-time-units": 1,
        "time-unit": "HOUR"
        "max-impressions": 7,
        "num-time-units": 1,
        "time-unit": "DAY"


Name Type Notes
max-impressions Integer required
num-time-units Integer required
time-unit String (Enum) required (see Time Unit)

Time Unit

Allowed values for time-unit:


Example freewheel formatted frequency caps:

  "frequency-caps": {
    "format": "freewheel",
    "data": [
        "type": "IMPRESSION",
        "period": 720,
        "value": 10
        "type": "IMPRESSION",
        "period": "CAMPAIGN",
        "value": 1


Name Type Notes
type String (Enum) must equal "IMPRESSION"
period String (Enum) or Integer required, one of "TEN_MIN", "HOUR", "DAY", "WEEK", "30DAYS", "STREAM", "ASSET", "SITE_SECTION", "CAMPAIGN". Integer unit is minutes
value Integer required


Example madhive formatted frequency caps:

  "frequency-caps": {
    "format": "madhive",
    "data": {
      "freq-cap-month": 4,
      "freq-cap-week": 3,
      "freq-cap-day": 2,


Name Type Notes
freq-cap-month Integer # of ads per month
freq-cap-week Integer # of ads per week
freq-cap-day Integer # of ads per day


Example octillion formatted frequency caps:

"frequency-caps": {
    "format": "octillion",
    "data": [
            "impressions": 1,
            "freq-value": 1,
            "freq-type": "DAY"
            "impressions": 5,
            "freq-value": 5,
            "freq-type": "MINUTE"


Name Type Notes
impressions Integer
freq-value Integer
freq-type String (Enum) 'MINUTE', 'HOUR', 'DAY', 'WEEK'

Cost Of Goods Sold

Example cost of goods sold:

  "cost-of-goods-sold": [
      "name": "PIO COGS",
      "type": "percent",
      "tiered": "UNIT_BASE_MODE",
      "amount": 10.0,
      "total-cogs": 100.0,
Name Type Sample Value Notes
name String
type String(Enum) "percent", "cpu", "fixed"
tiered String "UNIT_BASED_MODE", "REVENUE_BASED_MODE" null if not a tiered cogs
amount Number 10.0
total-cogs Number 100.0

Geo Targeting

Geo Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", "freewheel", "megaphone", "madhive", "octillion" required
data format dependant (see Geo Targeting Formats) required

Geo Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted geo targeting:

  "geo-targeting": {
    "format": "app_nexus",
    "data": {
      "city-action": "include",
      "city-targets": [{ "id": 200942 }],
      "dma-action": "exclude",
      "dma-targets": [{ "dma": 612 }],
      "region-action": "include",
      "region-targets": [{ "id": 3950 }],
      "country-action": "exclude",
      "country-targets": [{ "id": 233 }],
      "postal-code-action": "include",
      "postal-code-targets": [{ "id": "135" }]


Name Type Notes
city-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude", defaults to "exclude"
city-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" with city id
dma-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude", defaults to "exclude"
dma-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "dma" with dma id
region-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude", defaults to "exclude"
region-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" with region id
country-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude", defaults to "exclude"
country-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" with country id
postal-code-action String (Enum) "include"
postal-code-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" with postal code id


Example dfp formatted geo targeting:

  "geo-targeting": {
    "format": "dfp",
    "data": {
      "targeted-locations": [
          "id": 543
          "id": 234564
      "excluded-locations": []


Name Type Notes
targeted-locations Array (Object) each object contains a single key of "id" with integer value
excluded-locations Array (Object) each object contains a single key of "id" with integer value


Example freewheel formatted geo targeting:

  "geo-targeting": {
    "format": "freewheel",
    "data": {
      "include": {
        "country": [432, 654],
        "state": [123]
      "exclude": {}


Name Type Notes
include Object (Locations) See Locations
exclude Object (Locations) See Locations


Name Type Notes
country Array (Integer)
state Array (Integer)
dma Array (Integer)
city Array (Integer)
postal-code Array (Integer)
region Array (Integer)


Example madhive formatted geo targeting:

  "geo-targeting": {
    "format": "madhive",
    "data": {
      "country": "US",
      "states": ["WA", "CA"],
      "zips": null,
      "dmas": null


Name Type Notes
country String currently US only supported
states Array (String) US state abbreviations
dmas Array (Integer) DMA region codes
zips Array (Integer) US zip codes


Example megaphone formatted geo targeting:

  "geo-targeting": {
    "format": "megaphone",
    "data": {
      "include": ["US"],
      "exclude": ["BE", "BJ"]


Name Type Notes
include Array (String)
exclude Array (String)


Example octillion formatted geo targeting:

"geo-targeting": {
  "format": "octillion",
  "data": {
      "all": {
          "country": {
              "any": [
                      "value": "CAN"
          "region": {
              "any": [
                      "value": "USA/VA"
                      "value": "USA/TX"
          "city": {
              "any": [
                      "value": "4099753"
          "zip-code-list": {
              "any": [
                      "value": "9482"
      "none": {
          "city": {
              "any": [
                      "value": "4221799"
                      "value": "4942975"
                      "value": "5334320"
          "custom-zip-codes": {
              "any": [
                      "value": "96201"
                      "value": "93201"
                      "value": "92019"


Name Type Notes
all Object included geos. See geos
none Object excluded geos. See geos


Name Type Notes
country {any: [{ value: string}]}
metro {any: [{ value: string}]}
region {any: [{ value: string}]}
city {any: [{ value: string}]}
custom_zip_codes {any: [{ value: string}]}
zip_code_list {any: [{ value: string}]}

Inventory Targeting

Inventory Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", "freewheel" required
data format dependant (see Inventory Targeting Formats) required

Inventory Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted inventory targeting:

    "inventory-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "publisher-targets": [{
                "id": 543,
                "action": "include"
            }, {
                "id": 234,
                "action": "exclude"
            "site-targets": [],
            "placement-targets": [],
            "content-category-targets": {
                "content-categories": [{
                    "id": 321,
                    "action": "include"


Name Type Notes
publisher-targets Array (Target)
site-targets Array (Target)
placement-targets Array (Target)
content-category-targets Object (Content Category Targets)


Name Type Notes
id Integer required
action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude", defaults to "exclude"

Content Category Targets

Name Type Notes
content-categories Array (Target) action attribute of Target must be "include"


Example dfp formatted inventory targeting:

    "inventory-targeting": {
        "format": "dfp",
        "data": {
            "targeted-ad-units": [{ "ad-unit-id": 543 }, { "ad-unit-id": 234 }],
            "excluded-ad-units": [],
            "targeted-placement-ids": [ 123 ]


Name Type Notes
targeted-ad-units Array (Object) each object contains single key of "ad-unit-id" and an integer value
excluded-ad-units Array (Object) each object contains single key of "ad-unit-id" and an integer value
targeted-placement-ids Array (Integer)


Example freewheel formatted inventory targeting:

    "inventory-targeting": {
        "format": "freewheel",
        "data": {
            "ad-unit-package-id": [ 543 ],
            "ad-unit-node": [{ "ad-unit-id": 234 }]


Name Type Notes
ad-unit-package-id Array (Integer)
ad-unit-node Array (Object) each object contains single key "ad-unit-id" and an integer value

Content Targeting

Content Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", "freewheel", "megaphone", "linear", "octillion" required
data format dependant (see Content Targeting Formats) required

Content Targeting Formats


Example dfp formatted content targeting:

    "content-targeting": {
        "format": "dfp",
        "data": {
            "targeted-content-ids": [ 543, 234 ],
            "excluded-video-content-bundle-ids": [ ]


Name Type Notes
targeted-content-ids Array (Integer)
targeted-video-content-bundle-ids Array (Integer)
excluded-content-ids Array (Integer)
excluded-video-content-bundle-ids Array (Integer)


Example freewheel formatted content targeting:

    "content-targeting": {
        "format": "freewheel",
        "data": {
            "include": {
                "set": [
                        "video-group": [ 876 ],
                        "relation-in-set": "OR"
                "relation-between-sets": "AND",
                "remaining-items": {}
            "exclude": {
                "video": [ 234, 543 ],
                "site-group": [ ]


Name Type Notes
include Object (Media or Advanced Content Targeting)
exclude Object (Media)


Name Type Notes
video Array (Integer)
series Array (Integer)
video-group Array (Integer)
site-section Array (Integer)
site Array (Integer)
site-group Array (Integer)
relation-in-set String (Enum) "AND" or "OR", only for Advanced Content Targeting

Advanced Content Targeting

Name Type Notes
set Array (Media) maximum length of 3 supported
relation-between-sets String (Enum) "AND" or "OR"
remaining-items Object (Media)


Example megaphone formatted content targeting:

    "content-targeting": {
        "format": "megaphone",
        "data": [
                "type": "podcast",
                "id": "b9609254-9ef4-11ec-9895-4bfe74c42012"
                "type": "podcast",
                "id": "5f2cabee-10b8-11ec-b464-5f2184ca8d16"


Name Type Notes
type String (Enum) "podcast", "episode"
id String


Example octillion formatted content targeting:

"content-targeting": {
    "format": "octillion",
    "data": {
        "all": {
            "language": {
                "any": [
                        "value": "ab"
                        "value": "zh"
            "genre": {
                "any": [
                        "value": 2
                        "value": 3
        "none": {
            "content-rating": {
                "any": [
                        "value": 2
                        "value": 3
            "content-category": {
                "any": [
                        "value": "IAB10"
                        "value": "IAB10_1"
            "genre": {
                "any": [
                        "value": 1
                        "value": 8


Name Type Notes
all Object included contents. See content
none Object excluded contents. See content


Name Type Notes
language {any: [{ value: string}]} Lauguage ID
genre {any: [{ value: integer}]} Genre ID
content-rating {any: [{ value: integer}]} Content-rating ID
content-category {any: [{ value: string}]} Content-catgory ID

Custom Targeting

Custom Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp" required
data format dependant (see Custom Targeting Formats) required

Custom Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted custom targeting

    "custom-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "key-value-targets": {
                "kv-expression": {
                    "exp": {
                        "key": "fruit",
                        "typ": "in",
                        "vsa": ["apple", "orange"],
                        "vtp": "sta"
                    "header": {
                        "an-version": "1.0",
                        "client-version": "1.0"


Name Type Notes
key-value-targets Object (Key Value Targets) required

Key Value Targets

Name Type Notes
kv-expression Object (Kv Expression) required

Kv Expression

Name Type Notes
exp Object (Kv Exp) required
header Object (Kv Header) required

Kv Exp

Name Type Notes
typ String (Enum) "and", "or", "not", "in", "eq", "gt", "lt", "gte", "lte" or "neq"
sbe Object (Kv Subexpression)
key String
vtp String (Enum) "num", "str", "nma" or "sta"
vnm Number
vst String
vna Array (Number)
vsa Array (String)

Kv subexpression

Name Type Notes
exp Object (Kv Exp) required

Kv Header

Name Type Notes
an-version String "1.0"
client-version String "1.0"


Example freewheel formatted Custom targeting:

    "custom-targeting": {
        "format": "dfp",
        "data": {
            "logical-operator": "OR",
            "children": [{
                "logical-operator": "AND",
                "xsi-type": "CustomCriteriaSet",
                "children": [{
                    "key-id": 555555,
                    "operator": "IS",
                    "value-ids": [111111],
                    "xsi-type": "CustomCriteria"


Name Type Notes
logical-operator String (Enum) "OR"
children Array (Custom Criteria Set)

Custom Criteria Set

Name Type Notes
logical-operator String (Enum) "AND"
xsi-type String "CustomCriteriaSet"
children Array (Custom Criteria)

Custom Criteria

Name Type Notes
key-id Integer
operator String (Enum) "IS" OR "IS_NOT"
value-ids Array (Integer)
xsi-type String "CustomCriteria"

Device Category Targeting

Device Category Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", "octillion" required
data format dependant (see Device Category Targeting Formats) required

Device Category Targeting Formats


example app_nexus formatted device category targeting

    "device-category-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "device-type-action": "include",
            "device-type-targets": [
            "supply-type-action": "include",
            "supply-type-targets": [


Name Type Notes
device-type-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude", defaults to "exclude"
device-type-targets Array (String) "phone", "tablet", "pc", "tv", "gameconsole", "stb", "mediaplayer"
supply-type-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude", defaults to "exclude"
supply-type-targets Array (String) "web", "mobile_web", "mobile_app"


example dfp formatted device category targeting

    "device-category-targeting": {
        "format": "dfp",
        "data": {
            "targeted-device-categories": [{ "id": 543 }, { "id": 234 }],
            "excluded-device-categories": [{ "id": 789 }]


Name Type Notes
targeted-device-categories Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" and an integer value
excluded-device-categories Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" and an integer value


example madhive formatted device category targeting

    "device-category-targeting": {
        "format": "madhive",
        "data": {
            "desktop": 1000,
            "tv": 4000,
            "mobile": 5000,
            "tablet": 5000


Name Type Notes
desktop Integer allocation percentage * 100
tv Integer allocation percentage * 100
mobile Integer allocation percentage * 100
tablet Integer allocation percentage * 100


example octilliion formatted device category targeting

"device-category-targeting": {
    "format": "octillion",
    "data": {
        "all": {
            "device-type": {
                "any": [
                        "value": 4
                        "value": 5
        "none": {
            "device-type": {
                "any": [
                        "value": -1
                        "value": 2


Name Type Notes
all Object included device types. device type
none Object excluded device types device type


Name Type Notes
device-type {any: [{ value: integer}]} device type ID

Browser Targeting

Browser Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data format dependant (see Browser Targeting Formats) required

Browser Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted browser targeting:

    "browser-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "browser-action": "exclude",
            "browser-targets": [
                    "id": 14
                    "id": 20
                    "id": 23


Name Type Notes
browser-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude"
browser-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" with browser ID

Mobile Carrier Targeting

Mobile Carrier Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data format dependant (see Mobile Carrier Targeting Formats) required

Mobile Carrier Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted mobile carrier targeting:

    "mobile-carrier-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "carrier-action": "include",
            "carrier-targets": [
                    "id": 252
                    "id": 649
                    "id": 733


Name Type Notes
carrier-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude"
carrier-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" with carrier ID

Browser Language Targeting

Browser Language Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data format dependant (see Browser Language Targeting Formats) required

Browser Language Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted browser language targeting:

    "browser-language-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "language-action": "include",
            "language-targets": [
                    "id": 7
                    "id": 29
                    "id": 30


Name Type Notes
language-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude"
language-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" with language ID

Mobile Device Language Targeting

Mobile Device Language Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data format dependant (see Mobile Deviceser Language Targeting Formats) required

Mobile Device Language Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted mobile device language targeting:

    "mobile-device-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "device-model-action": "include",
            "device-model-targets": [
                    "id": 106526
                    "id": 106968
                    "id": 107173


Name Type Notes
device-model-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude"
device-model-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" with device model ID

Operating System Targeting

Operating System Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data format dependant (see Operating System Targeting Formats) required

Operating System Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted operating system targeting:

    "operating-system-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "operating-system-family-action": "include",
            "operating-system-family-targets": [
                    "id": 2
                    "id": 3


Name Type Notes
operating-system-family-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude"
operating-system-family-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" with operating system family ID

Operating System Version Targeting

Operating System Version Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data format dependant (see Operating System Version Targeting Formats) required

Operating System Version Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted operating system version targeting:

    "operating-system-version-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "use-operating-system-extended-targeting": true,
            "operating-system-extended-targets": [
                    "id": 88,
                    "action": "include"
                    "id": 288,
                    "action": "include"


Name Type Notes
operating-system-extended-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "id" with operating system extended ID and action ("include" or "exclude")
use-operating-system-extended-targeting Boolean true, Read-only

Query String Targeting

Query String Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data format dependant (see Query String Targeting Formats) required

Query String Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted query string targeting:

    "query-string-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "querystring-boolean-operator": "or",
            "querystring-action": "exclude",
            "querystring-targets": [
                    "qsparam": "222"


Name Type Notes
querystring-boolean-operator String (Enum) "and" or "or"
querystring-action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude"
querystring-targets Array (Object) each object contains single key of "qsparam"

Tag Position Targeting

Tag Position Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data format dependant (see Tag Position Targeting Formats) required

Tag Position Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted tag position targeting:

    "tag-position-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "position-targets": {
                "allow-unknown": true,
                "positions": [
                        "position": "above"


Name Type Notes
position-targets Array (Object) allow-unknown: boolean; positions: each object contains single key of "position" with value "above" or "below "

Day Part Targeting

Day Part Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", "freewheel", "madhive", "octillion" required
data format dependant (see Day Part Targeting Formats) required

Day Part Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted day part targeting (12 am - 9 pm, Monday and Tuesday):

    "day-part-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": [
                "day": "monday",
                "start-hour": 0,
                "end-hour": 20
                "day": "tuesday",
                "start-hour": 0,
                "end-hour": 20


Name Type Notes
day String (Enum) "sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", or "saturday"
start-hour Integer 0 - 23 inclusive
end-hour Integer 0 - 23 inclusive


Example dfp formatted day part targeting (12 am - 9 pm, Monday and Tuesday):

    "day-part-targeting": {
        "format": "dfp",
        "data": {
            "day-parts": [
                    "day-of-week": "MONDAY",
                    "start-time": {
                        "hour": 0,
                        "minute": "ZERO"
                    "end-time": {
                        "hour": 21,
                        "minute": "ZERO"
                    "day-of-week": "TUESDAY",
                    "start-time": {
                        "hour": 0,
                        "minute": "ZERO"
                    "end-time": {
                        "hour": 21,
                        "minute": "ZERO"
            "time-zone": "PUBLISHER"


Name Type Notes
day-parts Array (Day Part) See Day Part
time-zone String (Enum) "PUBLISHER" or "BROWSER", defaults to "PUBLISHER"

Day Part

Name Type Notes
day-of-week String (Enum) "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", or "SUNDAY"
start-time Object (Time of Day) See Time of Day
end-time Object (Time of Day) See Time of Day

Time of Day

Name Type Notes
hour Integer 0 - 24 inclusive
minute String (Enum) "ZERO", "FIFTEEN", "THIRTY", or "FORTY_FIVE"


Example freewheel formatted day part targeting (12 am - 9 pm, Monday and Tuesday):

    "day-part-targeting": {
        "format": "freewheel",
        "data": {
            "part": [
                    "start-day": "MONDAY",
                    "end-day": "MONDAY",
                    "start-day": "12 MIDNIGHT",
                    "end-day": "09:00PM"
                    "start-day": "TUESDAY",
                    "end-day": "TUESDAY",
                    "start-day": "12 MIDNIGHT",
                    "end-day": "09:00PM"
            "time-zone": "UTC"


Name Type Notes
part Array (FW Day Part) See FW Day Part
time-zone String (Enum) ignored, will default to LIC tz value instead.

FW Day Part

Name Type Notes
end-day String (Enum) "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", or "SUNDAY"; For simplicity, keep it the same as start-day.
start-time String (Enum) "12 MIDNIGHT", "01:00AM", "02:00AM", "03:00AM", "04:00AM", "05:00AM", "06:00AM", "07:00AM", "08:00AM", "09:00AM", "10:00AM", "11:00AM", "12 NOON", "01:00PM", "02:00PM", "03:00PM", "04:00PM", "05:00PM", "06:00PM", "07:00PM", "08:00PM", "09:00PM", "10:00PM", "11:00PM", or "11:59PM"
end-time String (Enum) "12 MIDNIGHT", "01:00AM", "02:00AM", "03:00AM", "04:00AM", "05:00AM", "06:00AM", "07:00AM", "08:00AM", "09:00AM", "10:00AM", "11:00AM", "12 NOON", "01:00PM", "02:00PM", "03:00PM", "04:00PM", "05:00PM", "06:00PM", "07:00PM", "08:00PM", "09:00PM", "10:00PM", "11:00PM", or "11:59PM"


Example madhive formatted day part targeting (12 am - 9 pm, Monday and Tuesday):

    "day-part-targeting": {
        "format": "madhive",
        "data": {
          "included" : false,
          "dayparts" : [
                    "day": "Monday",
                    "hours" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
                    "day": "Tuesday",
                    "hours" : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]


Name Type Notes
day String (Enum) "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", or "Sunday"
hours Array (Integer) 0 - 24 inclusive


Example octillion formatted day part targeting

"day-part-targeting": {
    "format": "octillion",
    "data": {
        "none": {
            "user-time-of-week": {
                "any": [
                        "value": [
                        "value": [
                        "value": [
                        "value": [
                        "value": [


Name Type Notes
all Object included time slot. time slot
none Object excluded time slot time slot


Name Type Notes
user-time-of-week {any: [{ value: [minute, minute + 59]}]} minutes is the minute from 0(12:00 AM on Sunday) to 10020(11:00 AM on Saturday)

Segment Targeting

Segment Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus", "freewheel", "madhive", "octillion" required
data format dependant (see Segment Targeting Formats) required

Segment Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted segment targeting

    "segment-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "segment-boolean-operator": "or",
            "segment-group-targets": [
                    "boolean-operator": "and",
                    "segments": [
                            "id": 123,
                            "action": "include"
                            "id": 456,
                            "action": "exclude"
                    "boolean-operator": "and",
                    "segments": [
                            "id": 789,
                            "action": "include"


Name Type Notes
segment-boolean-operator String (Enum) "and" or "or"
segment-group-targets Array (Segment Group) required

Segment Group

Name Type Notes
boolean-operator String (Enum) "and" or "or"
segments Array (Segment) required


Name Type Notes
id Integer required
action String (Enum) "include" or "exclude"
code String
name String


Example freewheel formatted segment targeting:

    "segment-targeting": {
        "format": "freewheel",
        "data": {
            "include": {
                "set": [
                        "audience-item": [ 123, 456 ],
                        "relation-in-set": "OR"
                "relation-between-sets": "AND",
                "remaining-items": {}
            "exclude": {
                "audience-item": [ 789 ]


Name Type Notes
include Object (Audience Items or Advanced Audience Targeting)
exclude Object (Audience Items

Audience Items

Name Type Notes
audience-item Array (Integer)
relation-in-set String (Enum) "AND" or "OR", only for Advanced Audience Targeting

Advanced Audience Targeting

Name Type Notes
set Array (Audience Items) maximum length of 3 supported
relation-between-sets String (Enum) "AND" or "OR"
remaining-items Object(Audience Items)


Example madhive formatted segment targeting:

    "segment-targeting": {
        "format": "madhive",
        "data": ["W8359GSSE5873", "TW3495239SDGDG"]


Name Type Notes
data Array (String) madhive segment ids


Example octillion formatted segment targeting:

"segment-targeting": {
    "format": "octillion",
    "data": {
        "all": {
            "segment": {
                "any": [
                        "value": "cadenttv-100004",
                        "value-name": "Cadent_MattressShoppers"
                        "value": "cadenttv-100013",
                        "value-name": "Cadent_Alliant_MattressBuyers"
                        "value": "cadenttv-100030",
                        "value-name": "Cadent_Speedeon_New Movers"
        "none": {
            "segment": {
                "any": [
                        "value": "cadenttv-100012",
                        "value-name": "Cadent_Alliant_InMarketUsedAuto"
                        "value": "cadenttv-100011",
                        "value-name": "Cadent_Alliant_InMarketAuto"


Name Type Notes
all Object included user segments user segment
none Object excluded user segments user segment


Name Type Notes
user-segment {any: [{ value: string, value-name: string}]} device type ID

Ad Slot Position Targeting

Ad Slot Position Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data format dependant (see Ad Slot Position Targeting Formats) required

Ad Slot Position Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted ad slot position targeting (First, Last):

    "ad-slot-position-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "ad-slot-position-action-include": true,
            "ad-slot-position-targets": [0, -1],
            "ad-slot-intro-bumper-action-include": false,
            "ad-slot-outro-bumper-action-include": false,

Example app_nexus formatted ad slot position targeting (Intro Bumper, Outro Bumper):

    "ad-slot-position-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
          "ad-slot-position-action-include": true,
          "ad-slot-position-targets": null,
          "ad-slot-intro-bumper-action-include": true,
          "ad-slot-outro-bumper-action-include": true,


Name Type Notes
ad-slot-position-action-include Boolean Intent to target specific slots in an ad pod. Note that you can target ad slots or ad bumpers, but not both.
ad-slot-position-targets Array (Integer) The ad slot positions a buyer wants to serve on. -1 represents the last position, 0 represents the first.
ad-slot-intro-bumper-action-include Boolean Note: You can target ad slots or ad bumpers, but not both.
ad-slot-outro-bumper-action-include Boolean Note: You can target ad slots or ad bumpers, but not both.

Player Targeting

Player Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data format dependant (see Player Targeting Formats) required

Player Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted player targeting (AKA Video targets with "Position Pre-Roll", "Position Mid-Roll", "No playback method provided", and a "Large" playback width):

    "ad-slot-position-targeting": {
        "format": "app_nexus",
        "data": {
            "allow-unknown-playback-method": true,
            "allow-unknown-context": false,
            "allow-unknown-player-size": false,
            "contexts": [
                    "id": 1
                    "id": 2
            "playback-methods": [

            "player-sizes": [
                    "id": 3
            "video-frameworks": [

            "deal-creative-duration": null



Name Type Notes
allow-unknown-playback-method Boolean Use this field to target inventory where the playback method is unknown.
allow-unknown-context Boolean Use this field to target inventory where the context is unknown.
allow-unknown-player-size Boolean Use this field to target inventory where the player size is unknown.
contexts Array ({ id: number }) 1: position-pre-roll, 2: position-mid-roll, 3: position-post-roll, 4: outstream See
playback-methods Array ({ id: number }) 1: playback-method-auto-play-sound-on, 2: playback-method-auto-play-sound-off, 3: playback-method-click-to-play, 4: playback-method-mouse-over, 5: playback-method-auto-play-sound-unknown See
player-sizes Array ({ id: number }) 1: player-size-sm, 2: player-size-med, 3: player-size-lg See
video-frameworks Array ({ id: number }) See
deal-creative-duration Integer The duration of the video creative in seconds. See

Split Targeting

Split Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "app_nexus" required
data Array (Split Object) (see Split Targeting Formats) required

Split Targeting Formats


Example app_nexus formatted split targeting:

  "split-targeting": {
    "format": "app_nexus",
    "data": [
        "name": "Split 1",
        "bid-modifier": 3,
        "priority": 1,
        "spend-allocation": 50,
        "allocation-strategy": "unconstrained",
        "deal": {
          "field": "deal_id",
          "operator": "in",
          "value": [1616897]
        "deal-list": {
          "field": "deal_list",
          "operator": "not_in",
          "value": [13193]
        "name": "Split 2",
        "bid-modifier": 2,
        "priority": 2,
        "spend-allocation": 50,
        "allocation-strategy": "unconstrained",
        "geography": [
            "field": "country",
            "operator": "not_in",
            "value": [4]
        "segment-group": {
          "field": "segment_group",
          "operator": "and",
          "value": [
                "segment-id": 1,
                "action": "exclude"

Attributes of Split object

Name Type Notes
name String The split name
bid-modifier Number The number used to modify the bid for this split
priority Number The priority of this split
spend-allocation Number The percentage of the line item budget assigned to this split
allocation-strategy String "unconstrained" or "constrained"
geography Object (see Split Geography Formats)
deal Object (see Split Deal Formats)
deal-list Object (see Split Deal List Formats)
segment-group Object (see Split Segment Group Formats)
inventory-url-list Object (see Split Inventory URL list Formats)
key-group Object (see Split Key Group Formats)
video-genre Object (see Split Video Genre Formats)
seller-member Object (see Split Seller Member Formats)

Split Geography Formats

Name Type Notes
field String (Enum) "city", "country", "region", "dma", "postal-code"
operator String (Enum) "in", "not_in"
value Array(Number) The ID of geography item

Split Deal Formats

Name Type Notes
field String (Enum) "deal"
operator String (Enum) "in", "not_in"
value Array(Number) The ID of deal item

Split Deal List Formats

Name Type Notes
field String (Enum) "deal_list"
operator String (Enum) "in", "not_in"
value Array(Number) The ID of deal list item

Split Segment Group Formats

Name Type Notes
field String (Enum) "segment_group"
operator String (Enum) "and", "or"
value Array(Array(Object)) {segment-id: The ID of segment item, action: "include" or "exclude"}

Split Inventory URL List Formats

Name Type Notes
field String (Enum) "inventory_url_list"
operator String (Enum) "and", "not_in"
value Array(Number) The ID of inventroy URL list item

Split Key Group Formats

Name Type Notes
field String (Enum) "key_group"
operator String (Enum) "and", "or"
value Array(Object) The Array of key group Item (see Key Group Formats)

Key Group Formats

Name Type Notes
key-id Number The ID of key
action String (Enum) "include", "exclude"
value-equals Array(Number) Array of value ID

Split Video Genre Formats

Name Type Notes
field String (Enum) "video_genre"
operator String (Enum) "in", "not_in"
value Array(Number) The ID of video genre

Split Seller Member Formats

Name Type Notes
field String (Enum) "seller_member_id"
operator String (Enum) "in", "not_in"
value Array(Number) The ID of seller member

Video Position Targeting

Video Position Targeting Attributes

Name Type Sample Value Notes
format String (Enum) "dfp" required
data format dependant see Video Position Targeting Formats required

Video Position Targeting Formats


Example dfp formatted tag position targeting:

    "video-position-targeting": {
        "format": "dfp",
        "data": {
            "targeted-positions": [
                    "video-position": {
                        "position-type": "PREROLL",
                        "midroll-index": 0
                    "video-position": {
                        "position-type": "MIDROLL",
                        "midroll-index": 2
                    "video-position-within-pod": {
                        "index": 2
                    "video-position": {
                        "position-type": "POSTROLL",
                        "midroll-index": 0
                    "video-position-within-pod": {
                        "index": 1
                    "video-position": {
                        "position-type": "POSTROLL",
                        "midroll-index": 0
                    "video-position-within-pod": {
                        "index": 100
                    "video-position": {
                        "position-type": "POSTROLL",
                        "midroll-index": 0
                    "video-position-within-pod": {
                        "index": 2


Name Type Sample Value Notes
targeted-positions Array (Object) See Example An array of objects, each representing a targeted video position.

Targeted Positions

See GAM VideoPositionTarget

Name Type Sample Value Notes
video-position Object see Video Position Contains the position type and midroll index.
video-position-within-pod Object see Video Position Within Pod (Optional) Contains the index within the pod for the video position.
Video Position
Name Type Sample Value Notes
position-type String "PREROLL", "MIDROLL", "POSTROLL" The type of video position (pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll).
midroll-index Integer 0-3 The index of the mid-roll to target. Only valid if the position-type is "MIDROLL".
Video Position Within Pod
Name Type Sample Value Notes
index Integer 1-100 The specific index of the pod. 1 = first, 2 = second, ..., 100 = last. Positions over 100 are not supported.

Secondary Ad Server Data

Secondary Ad Server Data Attributes

Example secondary ad server targeting for a dfp network:

    "ad-server" : "dfp",
    "ad-server-network-code" : "88650439",
    "geo-targeting": {
        "targeted-locations": [{
           "id": 543
          }, {
            "id": 234564
        "excluded-locations": []
    "day-part-targeting" : {
        "day-parts": [
            "day-of-week": "MONDAY",
            "start-time": {
              "hour": 0,
              "minute": "ZERO"
            "end-time": {
              "hour": 21,
              "minute": "ZERO"
        "time-zone": "PUBLISHER"
    "frequency-caps" : [
        "max-impressions": 5,
        "num-time-units": 1,
        "time-unit": "HOUR"
        "max-impressions": 7,
        "num-time-units": 1,
        "time-unit": "DAY"
Name Type Sample Value Notes
ad-server String (Enum) "app_nexus", "dfp", "freewheel" required
ad-server-network-code String "88650439" required if multiple networks of same type
geo-targeting ad-server dependant (see the data attribute in Geo Targeting Formats)
day-part-targeting ad-server dependant (see the data attribute in Day part Targeting Formats)
frequency-caps ad-server dependant (see the data attribute in Frequency Caps Formats)

Report Definition

Example report definition:

  "definition": {
    "start-date": "2020-08-10",
    "end-date": "2020-08-20",
    "columns": [
    "filters": {
      "ad-server": ["dfp", "offline"],
      "advertiser-id": [42, 43],
      "agency-id": [101],
      "approval-status": ["approved"],
      "include-archived": "true"
Name Type Sample Value Notes
start-date String (Date) "2020-08-10" required
end-date String (Date) "2020-08-10" required
columns Array(String (Enum)) "ad_server", "ad_server_id", "first_party_impressions", "first_party_clicks", "first_party_ctr", "first_party_delivered_amount", "third_party_impressions", "third_party_clicks", "third_party_ctr", "third_party_delivered_amount", "reconciled_units", "reconciled_amount", "billed_units", "billed_amount" required
filters Object see Report Filters

Report filters

Name Type Sample Value Notes
ad-server Array(String (Enum)) "dfp", "offline", "app_nexus"
advertiser-id Array(Integer) [42]
agency-id Array(Integer) [101]
approval-status Array(String (Enum)) "draft", "pending_review", "approved", "rejected"
include-archived Boolean true

Rate Limiting

API requests are rate limited to 60 requests per minute, per user. After the rate limit is exceeded, clients will receive HTTP 429 response ("Too Many Requests") until the rate limit is reset.

"Create Report" requests is additionally limited to 5 requests per 10 minutes, since too many such requests can negatively impact our systems performance.


An example error response body:

  "errors": [
      "title": "...",
      "detail": "...",
      "status": "422"

Sometimes things do not go according to plan and we will return an error response.

In addition, we also return with regular HTTP status code. Below is a partial list:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API access token is missing or wrong.
403 Forbidden -- You don't have the permission for the operation.
404 Not Found -- The specified resource can not be found.
422 Unprocessable Entity -- The request is well-formed but semantically invalid.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're issuing too many requests! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later or contact support.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.


Please contact our customer support for general questions or requesting permissions.

For detailed technical questions, suggestions, bug reports, etc. Forum might be a better channel.